"Darkness at First Light" by Jody West
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
10am - 11am -- Bosler Memorial Library
Book discussion is about the themes in "Darkness at First Light" written by our local author Jody West--with guided questions starting with John Milton's Paradise Lost, the symbol of darkness, the opening paragraph, darkness as in individually, morality, society and criminality. Darkness vs. Light (i.e. law enforcement). And, of course, murder--darkness about which she writes and many read. Why do we seek the darkness?
Join Jody for this interesting discussion! Pre-register at the Bookery (inside the library) or online using this link, click here.
Books can be purchased at the bookery at 1/2 price!
"The Kitchen House" by Kathleen Grissom
Thursday, October 20, 2016
11am - 12pm --Bosler Memorial Library
Best selling author Kathleen Grissom who wrote The Kitchen House and Glory in Everything--Beyond the Kitchen House will be "calling in" to our book discussion group! Although she cannot be here in person, she will be answering your questions over the phone lines! Join moderator Pat Carey as she guides the discussion with Kathleen and the audience. The discussion will be primarily on The Kitchen House.
Books can be loaned from the library or purchased at the bookery (inside the library). If you belong to a book discussion group--come all! Call 717-440-0869 if you are in need of a book.
Pre-register at the Bookery (inside the library) or online using this link, Click Here.