'It’s all about a well-told story that leaves the listener asking, “Why not me?” Who says I can’t achieve great things?"

Don’t Give Up on That Kid

Nelson Lauver was “That Kid.” As a boy in school, his number one goal was to make sure no teacher wanted him back in their class the following year. Unable to keep pace with the rest of the class, he chose to act out and become the “bad kid.” To Nelson, anything was better than being the “dumb kid.”
In this program, he shares his poignant personal story and proves that success can come from even the most unlikely kid. Nelson Lauver lends his voice to every kid who ever struggled to learn. He instills hope and excitement, refreshing the batteries of those who care for and about children.
He challenges his audience to be “the story” — the story that will be told 20 years from now — about a teacher (parent, friend, community member) who reached out and opened a kid’s mind when no one else would, or could.
"When we teach using facts, figures, formulas and theories, we hope to open people’s minds, but when we teach through storytelling, we open people’s hearts, as well — that’s where truly great learning and enlightenment takes place."

nelson lauver.JPGhttp://www.theamericanstoryteller.com/book-cover.jpgNELSON LAUVER – featured speaker at Celebrate the Book--2 p.m.

Known as the “American Storyteller”

Come hear his incredible story!  Come listen about his desire to reach out to all educators and to the adult who struggles with reading. 

Powerful, funny, amazing!

Read his book, “Most UN Likely to Succeed”